Take a tour through Black Pearl Source, located in Haleiwa, Hawaii.
Collections of Tahitian black & South Sea gold pearls, original designs ©Benjamin Thompson.

Black Pearl Source 66-220 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712 (808)637-7776 blackpearlsource@mac.com Designs ©Benjamin Thompson

All designs © Benjamin Thompson A collection of "Wave" styles, an original design by Ben Thompson at Black Pearl Source in Haleiwa, Hawaii. These Wave styles are holding naturally colored Tahitian black pearls. Black Pearl Source - Haleiwa, Hawaii.

All designs © Benjamin Thompson A collection of Tahitian black pearls set in 14K white gold & sterling silver. Original designs by Ben Thompson, owner at Black Pearl Source and located in Haleiwa, Hawaii on Oahu's north shore.

Black Pearl Source 66-220 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712 (808)637-7776 blackpearlsource@mac.com Designs ©Benjamin Thompson
The rarity and allure of the pearl made it a coveted possession among queens, sultans and the merely wealthy. As humankind’s original and most beguiling gem, the pearl inspired royal passion and launched countless expeditions of trade and conquest. The romans were so inflamed by lust for pearls that they drained their national treasury to buy the glistening beads.
During the renaissance, European aristocrats hungered so for the gem that historians have called the era the Pearl Age.